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RDPresets Support

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  1. Hi, We apologise for the inconvenience. We have introduced a new RDShade download button on the contact page of the RD website. Kind regards
  2. Hi, Well key resets are an automatic process so something must have gone wrong there. We have since reset your key manually days ago 🙂 Kind regards
  3. Unfortunately there are not previous version to try.
  4. Have you ran RDShade before without any problems or have you bought RDShade and encountered problems when trying first time? Kind regards
  5. Hi, Hotfix 1 was release yesterday morning on contrail and simmarket 🙂 GSX is now working. Kind regards
  6. Hi! Thank you for reaching out! We will keep EDLW in-mind for future projects! Kind regards
  7. Strange, with that version it should be working fine, in some cases anti virus software block RDShade for accessing the files it needs.
  8. Hi! Could you send the serial key to info@rdpresets.com? We can do it manually for you. Kind regardss
  9. We apologize for the inconvenience . We have never stated the airport is compatible with GSX out of the box, we create airports for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and as long as the airport is compatible with the default Simulator that's how we sell the product. I will close this topic now.
  10. We will be improving the AFCAD with hotfix 1, however we expect the first GSX profile to be available on the coming week. Kind regards
  11. We will be improving the AFCAD with hotfix 1, however we expect the first GSX profile to be available on the coming week. Kind regards
  12. Hi, We have never provided GSX profiles with our Airports. We apologise for the inconvenience but in our opinion this is best left to 3rd parties to create GSX profiles. Kind regards
  13. Airports are not usable with GSX without a GSX profile, since we do not provide a GSX profile with our airports we have to wait for a GSX profile creator to create a profile for LSGG
  14. Hi, Thank you for your purchase and feedback, but why do you have the scenery open in a Airport Design Editor? Kind regards
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