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Everything posted by Sebibue62

  1. proof of MSFS Editior see picture... taxiway missing a lot of line see SDK MSFS explanation https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Developer_Mode/Menus/Debug/Airports.htm
  2. So, I want to tell you first. I want to look at Geneva airport. AI Traffik (AIG TC) start. AI plane park. But AI plane can't move. AI plane lands runway, suddenly disappear. So, I just check "Airport2Pro" tools, it can read LSGG data, and open Airport Design Edition, get LSGG data. Airport Design Edition can do best AFCAD editing, for example radius and airline code.. But have you already test "beta" with AI Traffik?
  3. Hello, so, i shok about LSGG Genve Airport Scenery, so bad by AFCAD ADE, AI Traffic work not..! taxiway missing a lot of line Sorry, bad news..! see picture..
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